HAP: Human Subjects Research IRB Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

We communicate exclusively by e-mail, so all requests for changes, clarifications, or additions will be sent the email address provided on your Protocol Approval Form. The data analysis section should address all sources of data you are collecting. Describe the method of analysis, any software you will use, any collection notes or data sheets you have devised to help you collect information, etc. Should justify and support the purpose of your own study and its importance in your academic field. Check our section at the top of the page on "Does My Project Require Review?" to find out if your research does not involve research volunteers, or does not fit the definition of "systematic research designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge."

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The IRB include a number of qualitative researchers, as well as non-scientists and those engaged in quantitative research. Community members are included to provide a non-SFSU perspective on university research. The IRB cannot meet without at least one non-scientist present. Non-exempt protocols will go to the committee for a full review, once all revisions have been submitted by the researcher.

Does my Project Require Review

To avoid any appearance that the researcher may be seen to be "dispensing" supplements, we have adopted a procedure similar to that used at the University of California, San Francisco. This procedure involves having the supplements and the placebos and their directions out on the table, and potential volunteers are told they may choose to take the supplements, if they wish. All other deceptive research will be reviewed as"Non-exempt with Full Committee Review." Research employing deception may not be reviewed as "Exempt." Student advisors have let us know in the past if they were afraid a student's research was going off in an unapproved direction, or hadn't been explained fully, and we have worked with the student to correct the errors, or incorporate the modification as approved. Researchers are expected to adhere to the protocol and consent documents that were approved by the Institutional Review Board or Human and Animal Protections.

However, if the results will be published, presented at a larger conference off-campus or generalized in some other way, it will be necessary to obtain IRB approval. HAP OFFICE HOURS are On-Demand Monday- Friday email to set up a specific day/time. A new page displays your current major and click on the change of major button. Learn how to pay student fees online with the How to Make a Payment video tutorial. After you have filled in the rest of your Class Planner sheet , you can now list each of the "high priority" courses you have identified in the box for "Step 5".

Typical response time:

All changes to your project must be submitted to and approved by our office. Informed consent will be sought from each prospective subject or the subject's legally authorized representative, in accordance with, and to the extent required by §46.116. Risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits, if any, to subjects, and the importance of the knowledge that may reasonably be expected to result. In evaluating risks and benefits, the IRB should consider only those risks and benefits that may result from the research . The IRB should not consider possible long-range effects of applying knowledge gained in the research as among those research risks that fall within the purview of its responsibility. Research involving minor deception or omission that poses no risk of adverse effects to the participants.

A course completion report will be issued upon completion of either course. The report must be submitted with the protocol materials. The reports are valid for 3 years from the date of issue.Certificates that expire before the 1-year protocol approval period will not be accepted for review. "I am conducting a needs assessment for an agency that works with adolescent girls, to help them improve their programs. The data will be given to the agency only, for quality improvement purposes."

Hours of Operation:

The committee may require consultation with or oversight or co-investigation by a medical health professional. For this reason, we encourage students to consider exempt research projects, because they do not require a full IRB review. They can be reviewed and certified as exempt from further review by administrative staff in the office. First, a reviewer determines its status and screens the complete protocol package to ensure that all necessary documents are included.

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Date of approval will be the date of the full committee review, regardless of when your final changes were accepted and approved. The letter will be in PDF format and attached to an e-mail message. The final letter of approval to the investigator will be dated the same date as the convened committee issued conditional approval, regardless of when the revisions are received and approved. To state this differently, the expiration date will be one year from the date of the full committee meeting at which conditional approval was granted.

Lay people, as well as IRB committee members and staff from outside your own discipline, must understand your informed consent document. Writing it at a sixth to eighth grade reading level will allow the widest audience to be eligible to participate in your project. Be sure to include all the necessary forms with proper signatures and formatting. Protocols missing any required documents will not undergo pre-review until all outstanding forms are received. It is primarily on the grounds that oral history interviews, in general, are not designed to contribute to "generalizable knowledge" that they are not subject to the requirements of 45 CFR part 46 and, therefore, can be excluded from IRB review.

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This page contains all student information ranging from academic calendar dates/deadlines for each semester, financial aid, fees, payment methods, 1098-T tax information, refund guidelines, FAQs, forms/documents, and policies/procedures. Protocols to be reviewed are provided to IRB members the week before the meeting, so they will have time to review. Protocols are pre-reviewed on a rolling basis, in the order in which they were received, and placed on an agenda when all revisions have been received and approved. Please note that all protocols submitted to the committee go through a pre-review process and a revision cycle before being placed on a meeting agenda.

Start the Application for Determination of Exemption -or- Go to IRB Manager Home Page

If the category is determined to beExempt, no further review is needed and you will receive an Exemption notice in the form of an email You may begin your research upon receiving the Exemption notice, but you must notify us of any changes in your study. Please note that you and your faculty advisor are responsible for ensuring all documents are free of grammatical and typographical errors. Once yourcomplete IRB Protocolis received, we will review your documents to determine the category of review which your protocol will undergo and conduct a pre-review for needed revisions. For those who have protocols approved with NIH trainings in the past, you will need to update your human subjects research trainings through CITI program by August 1, 2019.The IRB requires current completed human subjects training certificates for IRB approvals. To conduct research at another institution, SFSU faculty, staff or students who are not the sole Principal Investigator on a project must receive approval from the SFSU IRB before research may begin. If the researcher is the sole Principal Investigator on the project, the SFSU IRB will review the other institution's approved protocol.

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A letter from the PI giving you permission to use the data generated for your research. Existing data are data that exist at the time the research is proposed. If the data are not publicly available, a letter from the source authorizing access to the data or, if the data were purchased commercially, a copy of the contract authorizing the use of the data.

Submit all documentsbefore the semester deadlineif you plan to graduate in the following semester. Please be aware that each department and college has its own, usually earlier, deadlines that the student must follow. Generally, documents are submitted to the department office for the final signatures by graduate coordinator or department chair, then forwarded to the IRB office by the department. See research that does not need reviewto determine whether the research even requires IRB review.

In this case you will need to revise your protocol, instruments, and/or analysis methods to make sure you will elicit the data that will answer your research question or fulfill the research purpose. Continued occurrence of minor adverse events may trigger a report to the Institutional Official for further action. Minor adverse events are reviewed by HAP to assure that protocol modifications are initiated, if necessary. The revision cycle includes an administrative screening, pre-review, return of necessary revisions, then assignment to the next available full committee meeting agenda. The committee generally requires further revisions before granting full approval in an emailed letter to the investigator. When a research protocol enters the IRB office, the coordinator and administrator assign each human research volunteer protocol to a specific category of review, depending on the purpose, methods, and risk-to-benefit ratio of that study.


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